Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week #13

I have completed correlator — Detection feature points and searching corresponding points on different images.
This week I finished documentation for my code, performed refactoring and cleaning up.
I implemeted in GDALCorrelator file 2 main external methods for searching and matching feature points. Methods provide simple and seamless usage of my internal classes.
My mentor is going to implement GCP producing based on my realization, adapt and migrate correlator to GDAL.
I'll devote my remaining time to refining documentation and helping in porting correlator.

I participate in GSoC program for the first time, and it's an unforgettable and priceless experience for me :)


  1. Hello,
    I found this blog about your correlator application in Ggdal and I would like to know more about it. Where can I find manuals and documentation?


    1. Hi Patrick, I appreciate your interest.
      I abandoned this project a long time ago, so I don't know about current state of correlator.
      I think that you should check official docs here
      and ask for help on GDAL forums.
      Also my project old repo
      You can download code and compile short example - "main.cpp" to get matched points for 2 images (code requires GDAL library)
